Ricardo and I have been a bit, meaning a lot, behind on our entries about our adventures. So here is our written account of some of the events of the great city of Valparaiso! First night in to the city we were planning to spend one night with the brother of a good friend back in Washington D.C. (VITO!). Vito was actually our guide the last time that Ricardo and I visited Valpo. Since there was a bit of an Asado happening at Nico´s house (Vito`s brother) we got to meet a lot of Valpo natives. Every person we talked to said that it`s impossible to spend only one night in Valpo! So we said Ya Po, Huevon! One night turned into 3 and we got a chance to drink in the great beauty that is Valpo! Every nook and cranny surrounding Nico´s house is more interesting than the next. When you mix a lugar like Valpo with lots of artistic history, Pablo Neruda for example, with a giant port, add waves and waves of internationals, great seafood, and lots of students looking for cheap housing you get: paint splashed on every wall, graffiti that would be a crime to paint over with one color, stencils galore, and an ever repeating song about Valpo bursting out of every window at some point in the night on the weekend ("... la plaza de la Victoria ehhh es un centro social...").
If you go to Chile, Valpo is 2 hours west of Santiago...GO!!!!
Love, Nick and Ric
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