" ... Karma Police, arrest this man he talks in math, he buzzes like a fride, he´s like a detuned raaaaaadioooooo ... Karma Police, arrest this girl her Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill and we have crashed her paaaaarty .... this what you get, when you mess with uuuuussssssss!!!!"
So thats how it was that how it is and thats how it will always ever be. You try to get away with something in the end it always comes back to you. In Argentina we tried to get away with a few things and right up the end when we were ready to leave it all behind us we get smacked in the face with karma. HA!
The north we were very well behaved and absolutely nothing came of it but good memories. Salta, Cordoba, everything was okay. When we got to Mendoza though we did a bit of a scamming. We checked into a Hostel the first day went out in the night did all the typical tourists things and check out the next day thinking we were going to leave and head out of the city. As it turned out we ended up staying an extra night in the same hostel after checking out. And in the midst of the confusion we did not pay for the extra night. We got our bags, called a taxi, and left Mendoza and a hostel bill paid halfway ... nice little scammers us.
And so we traveled to Bariloche a ski resort city that looks like Switzerland. To me very beautiful to Nick quite nice but nothing he never seen before. So we arrived and again checked into a hostel. This time we paid all full in advance and did not try anything funny ... with them. We went for dinner to this restaurant and as soon as we walked in we got a bad vibe from them. They were too snobby for us, did not treat us as nice as other customers, and the food was not that good. I am not someone to be picky about food and have all these high expectations for restaurants but we were hungry and we could still tell the food was not good. On top of it all the server was treating us like shit the whole time and so we did what any human being would do ... Perro Muerto. To remind you perro muerto is chilean for skipping out on a bill. We waited for the server to go into the kitchen and BAM walked as smoothly as you would when you rob a bank. The doorguy opened the door greeted us good night and we were on our way home with a full belly and countless laughs.
And so our journey continued as we went to Chile in Chiloe, the south in Torres del Paine, Tierra del Fuego, and all the way up to Buenos Aires. From Buenos Aires we went to Rosario for a few days to check out the city and their bohemian ways. There we had quite an interesting time. The second night we were there we went to a party some guys from the Hostel knew about. The party ended up being quite chill and not much going on. After the party and two beers +we decided to walk home which supposedly took only 20 minutes. On our way back we were walking on a main street when two guys ran full speed past us. A short bit later three other guys ran chasing the first two and stopped right next to us. They asked us if we were with them and quickly we replied we had nothing to do with anything. As they were walking away I asked if they had been robbed and somehow that triggered one of the guys to come up to me and say what my problem was and if I was looking for trouble. And so he nudged me in the shoulder and I turned away trying to walk away when he came and punched me from behind right on my jaw knocking me the F*CK out!!!!
I woke up 10 minutes later in a taxi with Nick next to me in the backseat. I did not have memory at the moment of what city we were in, where I had bought my awesome new Converse All-Stars, not even what hostel we were in or what it looked like. It was like being dropped into the world with no memory of any recent events in your life. It was quite scary. Then Nick retold me eveything that happened and soon it started coming back. After dude knocked me out, Nick tried to help me up and between the three of them they punched Nick three times in the face. (I´m surprised with Nicks stemina). Then a totally different guy came and helped me up and regain consiousness. Once they did, this new guy wanted to go after the three troublemakers and go after them to beat them up. Nick very level headed decided to leave it be and just call a Taxi to go back to the hostel which was where I woke up.
After Rosario we came back to Buenos Aires to catch the Buquebus to Punta del Este. We arrived to Retiro by bus and had to make a few phone calls to figure out what to do with our bags. While I was in the phone booth, Locutorio, Nicolson stayed outside with our bags... all our bags chilling playing the guitar. As I came out to let him know that we had to go downstairs and check the bags a fat guy walked past us and "dropped" his wallet. I picked it up and ran after him to give it back to him. In that moment a second guy came in front of Nick and started pointing to the fat guy and me. Nick looked for three seconds and then came a third guy and stole Nicks small backbag with his two passports, his digital camera, his ipod, many dumb things, but most importantly the futbol. Of all the things, the damn soccer ball. Arghhhhh. Well I guess Nicks passports were important since we were heading to Uruguay that same night. Bummer!
Nick was able to get a US Passport the next day and we were able to travel that same day and making it to Punta del Este for New Years. Well the moral of these ramdom sorts of events ladies and gentlespoons is that we must watch out for the damn porteños, and be careful with karma because you never know when it will come to hit you in the face and knock you out. Hope you´re all having best festivities and I wish you all the best. Saludos de Punta del Este,
-Ric y Nic
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Fonda con puesta de Sol (Fonda with sunset)
Punta de Lobos
Sunshine Shell
Punta de Lobos Album
"Sombra Azul"
Pinche Playa
right NEAR the beach BOYO
Ricardo and Nicardo
Playin with the new camera
Nick`s family
Pops and Adam
More Family
Mum and Tanya
Nick at the Fonda in U. of Santiago
Fonda Fonda!
Isabel Y Ri
Singing Violetta Parra
Isabel and Friend
Best dog in the world
Osso (bear) dog
Joe, Nick, and Beka
I think this story sounds familiar or something, but it might include another lost passport, a guitar unexpectedly headed back to the states, and some added details in Punta including a singoff and a few special guests ... Where's the mention of some other important yanquis in this adventure? i will send pics to both you and nic soon... besos chicos
Damn guys, sounds quite adventurous. I'm glad you're ok, and too bad about your stuff, Nick.
But hi Nick! hehe, thanks for sending this link to me, this all sounds completely awesome. I've been thinkinh about this trip and one we took in my yearning for freedom from corporate drudgery. I plan to get out of there shortly, so that's good. Keep posting, man, I'm interested to see what you've been up to since this last post. Peace out, and stick together when you've got all your bags on the sidewalk!
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